Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Holy Cow! I am So blessed! I don't mean to brag, but wow. I'm super blessed...all the time. Heavenly Father just must love me a ton. This doesn't mean that I don't have problems or trials or things that completely stink in my life, but wow, there is always a way out of those crappy things when you have enough faith and ask the Lord to help you. And Priesthood blessings are AMAZING! I always knew they were good and everything, and I should get one..sometime. if I feel like it...or whatever. but in the last year I have REALLY gained a testimony of Priesthood blessings. It really shouldn't shock me so much that I am so blessed because I get blessings from people and try my best to be a good person and everything, but I have really been putting my faith to work lately and the results are astounding (just like the prophets and everyone wise would have already told you). 

So, for example, I was super stressed this week and last. It seemed the homework was this unconquerable mound of terrible, mean, ugly, work that my teachers just thought they'd just toss my way like it was nothing. I could picture them laughing as they tossed it onto my huge pile. a lilting laugh as if to say, oh, here you go, no big deal. haHAhahaha ... So anyway, I was stressed. Plus, my family was coming into town, and I knew I would have no time to spend with them with all that I had to do, and my brother was coming back from Alaska...which means I no longer get to use his jeep whenever the heck I want. Plus, I didn't know how I was  going to get to my sister's wedding in Idaho next weekend. And as if that wasn't enough, on Monday I realized that I was sick...with a cold. yeah. Sucky. So I called my brother over and told him I needed a blessing...and I ride to school haha. He came and I was so proud of him for doing it because he doesn't have a ton of experience with it, but he was willing and didn't make me ask my home teachers who I just don't know very well, so I was just glad! He said all the right things and I was thankful. So guess what! It worked! :) I have been able to get everything done in an efficient manner, like unbelievably efficient, like I did NOT think it was possible to get things done so quickly and stress so little over them. Ideas for papers have just come to me and I haven't felt all anti-homework and have been able to get things done without whining. It's great! Then I had a woman call me today and say she could take me from Salt Lake to Idaho Falls on Thursday, which is when I really needed to leave AND my class on Thursday was cancelled so I have more time to get homework done before I go! and my dear, sweet, wonderful, angelic friend Railee said she would take me to Salt Lake on Thursday and we are going to have a fun little trip together! AND! the lady is not having me pay for gas...I just have to help her with her children...which could be a good or a bad thing. I'm just grateful to have the ride. :)
So, moral of the story is, when you have faith and ask with nothing wavering, the Lord WILL bless you. So be ready for all your wildest dreams to come true. ;)


  1. I like seeing my name in a blog post. A+

  2. Hooray! I love blessings. They really are such sweet experiences. Thanks for posting about your cool tender mercies. It helps me (and I'm sure others) realize we are blessed daily too!
