Thursday, September 29, 2011

Running...Could I Actually Enjoy This Activity?

So I have found through my extensive working-out experiences that I love to get my exercise through activities that I do for intrinsic reasons. I have accepted this fact and have found activities that are a great workout that are also fun to do.
I do enjoy a good cardio workout video, but this is the only exception. I tried P90X and found it to be too...manly (and I only lost like 3 lbs after two months of that crap). When I workout I like to have someone who is peppy leading my workout, telling me how great I am and that we can do this together. Not some 50 yr old, yet ripped man who is doing bicep curls while saying in a gruff voice, "this isn't a workout for sissies. this is real. We have actual DNA extraction going on here". 

So, anyway, for example I like to do things like dancing (country two step and latin are the best), biking, swimming, going to seven peaks, etc. to get some exercise. But last night, I decided to do something radical. I went...
Yes. I did. and I ENJOYED it! Granted, I didn't run for more than 20 or 30 minutes, but I was really surprised at how well I did. Usually when I start up running again it is a very painful process that just hurts my body and makes my self esteem drop by like 50 points as it makes me feel like I am really out of shape and I probably run funny. I also always have to do a walk-jog-walk-jog pace that is slightly embarrassing (My excuse for not running was that I needed a digital watch so I could look at it and make it look like I was training and knew what I was doing whenever I started walking...sad, I know).

But last night...that all changed. I felt light on my feet, like I could just keep going forever. My throat didn't get all dry and my side didn't cramp up and my feet and joints felt great. I felt Awesome when I did it and I felt Awesome this morning when I woke up. What caused this phenomenon of actually feeling good when I run? I'm blaming it on those stairs up to campus paired with all the dance classes I took this spring and summer. and I am much slimmer than the last time I tried running. That may have something to do with it.
But, the moral of the story is, I think I might actually enjoy this form of exercise and may start doing it regularly. It makes me feel fit not crappy! :) It's a miracle! :D Hooray!

ps: my ward just announced they are doing a combined ward 5K on the 15th of October and I totally said I was participating...hope I don't regret that.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha ha! You are SO FUNNY! I can totally relate to 100% of this blog entry. I especially loved your description of a happy workout video vs. P90X. Perfect! And the digital watch excuse for not running... I've so used that. :P
    Are we gonna go running tonight or what?
