Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weight Loss Competition!!

So, at the beginning of the week I talked to my mom on the phone and she said that our family is going to do a weight loss competition! I'm so excited about this! We are all going to put in five dollars a week, which comes out to $35 a week. After a month, the person who has lost the greatest percentage of weight, wins the cash! I worry a little that they boys in the family will beat all of us girls, but I am highly motivated and would REALLY LOVE to beat my brother, so we'll see. I have been running or dancing almost every night this week, and have been being very careful with food, so I think I've got a pretty good chance. I also got on, which is an awesome website. I can track just about anything and everything weight loss related. It has articles and tips and success stories, etc, etc, etc. And I also blog on that website about whatever is on my mind that has to do with weight that I'm such a pro blogger. ;) 
So I'll have to give an update in a month or so and let you know how I'm doing. I'm hoping I'll just be out of the running pretty soon and can encourage the other people in my family that have a little further to go on the weight loss journey than I do. This is really going to be sooo good for my family! we all just need a little motivation and friendly competition. AND! We all really want to go on a cruise in the near future, so that is something I am motivating myself with. I know I don't want to go on a cruise until I am looking freaking incredible. So yeah, that's my little update for the week.

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