Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thirds...they are Beautiful!

I am taking a class right now that is called Leisure in Contemporary Society. I Love It! I wasn't sure if I would because some of the RMYL classes sound good, but they are actually kind of boring...ok that was just Accessible Recreation, but you get my point. So, every time I go to this class, it reaffirms that I picked the right major. We discuss the importance of leisure in society and how it shapes a culture and how play keeps children from becoming sociopaths. So, anyway! I had this reading that I had to do (which, was written by an RMYL professor at BYU-Idaho!...Rachel), and it was soooo good! I got so much out of it, but the main thing I got was something that Joseph Smith said. he said that your 24 hr day should be divided into three eight hour sections. eight to sleep, eight to work and eight to renew, refresh, and recreate. So I have been trying to apply this model to my life lately! Between actually going to school and homework, I tend to spend more than eight hours on work, but it has made me prioritize my time so much better. I don't get distracted so easily and I have actually gotten all of my homework done for this weekend up until tuesday! It's amazing! I'm so happy! The only thing I have left is posting this blog and marking that I did it! It's pretty great! :) I had time to go to the canyon today and play and it was amazing! So if I spend a little more time on homework during the week, it's really okay, because I make up for it on the weekend in playing! I LOVE MY MAJOR!!!! YESSS!!!!


  1. This is glorious. I love that quote too! I totally remember reading/hearing that in my leisure class too. Brigham Young/RMYL classes are the bomb. Ps Kristen, I'm moving to your neck of the woods THIS WEEK! Can you say play?

  2. WHAAAAATTTT!!???!!! Yes!!!! When do you get here? ahhhh! I'm so excited! Like where in my neck of the woods!??!
