Thursday, September 15, 2011


This is my sister and her Fiance. I took their engagement photos and edited them. I should show the original. I did quite a bit of work. They finally decided to use this for the announcement and I feel pretty good about that. :)
So all of this marriage talk has got me thinking...the fact that people ever get married is such a miracle. It is so complex. How do you ever find someone that has that "it" factor? I have never run into someone that I felt like I could be with forever. It's fair to say I have never been in love. It's easy to be "in like" or be attracted for a while, but legitimate, hard core LOVE is pretty miraculous. Just to find someone who likes you and you like them back is really hard to find, but falling in love, I believe is a miracle. After ending a relationship, I felt a little discouraged. It felt like it would never happen again. It hadn't happened for me up until that point and I was feeling like maybe I had thrown away my only chance at love. That's a little dramatic, but logically, it would seem I would have to wait another 5 to 10 years in order to find someone that I would like to be exclusive with and where the feelings were mutual. But miracles do happen and I am sure at some point in the not-to-distant future I will find someone that is a great match for me. I just am amazed that people can find someone who is such a perfect partner for them in such short amounts of time when every other person they have been with isn't right for them. Only God could come up with something like this and have it work out. Crazy!

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