Monday, November 7, 2011

Most Random Post Award!

Ok, so I completely forgot to blog last week. I am KICKING myself right now. I wasn't sure what to write about, so I kept putting it off and bang! It's Monday and the first week of November is blogless. Yes, I used that fake word. So I was wanting to post a survey so I could check that off the list since it's my last thing to do on here. For my leadership class I made one for my 20 page project, so I am going to post it now, as I wasn't ready last week and ended up losing out on the whole blog thing completely. So if anyone wants to take it, feel free. It's not supposed to be anonymous, so just know that. Anyway, so I have been really stressed lately with all the projects that have to be finished before Thanksgiving. I have a 20 pg leadership paper due, a seven page book report and research paper due, a six page dance research paper due and a group project for mcom. plus all my regular homework. They are really all due after thanksgiving, but I am going to have to get them all done before them if I am going to enjoy my vacation. PLUS I have to teach the lesson in relief society on the first week of december. yeah. It's out of control right now. But luckily my angel mother is sending me texts with ideas for my lesson and she helps me to talk things out and brainstorm for projects. She is pretty amazing. So anyway, I'll try to come up with something better for next week. OH! but I can't not include this video. 

and this video, since these kids were the only ones worth watching...almost

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