Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kristen is like...a real runner! WHAT??!!

So I have gotten really into running. yeah. I don't even know what to say about that. Who would have ever thought. But I really love it! I have found that I have to run at the right time or it is not enjoyable. I was trying to run in the morning for a while and I have discovered that I am even less of a morning person than I ever realized. It is painful to exercise in the morning. I really wish I were a morning person. Truly. But it's just not in the cards for me at this point. 

But anyway! Back to running! so I think I am a little more "type A" than I thought. I need to run. I need that release. I have so much pent up energy by the end of the day that I really need an intense cardio release to get it all out. I feel soooo much better physically and mentally since I started running three times a week. I have way more stamina and I just feel better and like I can handle physical obstacles. my body is literally changing shape and it's really exciting! my stomach is flatter and the back of my legs are getting this pleasing curve to them! :) That's kind of a big deal. ;) I fit into my size 10's perfectly! I also just feel so much more balanced and at peace mentally. I didn't realize how uptight I was before. I think this is something that I will do for the rest of my life. 

It's funny how some days I feel like I could just keep running and running and other days...not so much. So I was all set on running five miles today and then about three miles into it my body said, "What the crap Kristen! You had cake and ice cream for breakfast. Really? Five miles? HA!" So I didn't quite reach that goal, but over the course of the week I ran 2 miles short of a half marathon. :) I don't think I have ever run that much in that amount of time. I'm really proud of myself! I just need to keep it up! I had a goal to take take of myself this semester/year and so far I think I am accomplishing that goal! 

Perhaps one day??? We shall see. For now it just feels good to run. :)