Friday, December 2, 2011

My Thoughts on Mcom This Semester

Alright, so the semester is ALMOST over. This means that Mcom is coming to a close and it is time to take an evaluative look at this class. I wouldn't say that Mcom was a huge challenge for me, but it was definitely not what i am used to. I have to say that I am kind of glad it's over (sorry professor Thomas!). I do feel that it was very helpful and useful and that I will use the skills that I developed in this class. I needed to take it for sure. It was definitely out of my comfort zone, though. Sometimes I felt like the assignments were a little vague and I wasn't sure what the teacher wanted. However, I was always able to figure out what was going on one way or another. I liked the group work. It was a little frustrating at times, but overall I think that it was a good experience and that my group worked together especially well. I know that I enjoyed learning from my group members. I just wished that I had more experience and could have been more helpful to my group. I tried to be very supportive and volunteer for things first, so maybe that made up for my lack of experience. Overall, Mcom was stressful for me, but I think it was good for me. It's like running a marathon. when you are doing it, it is hard and uncomfortable and you want to stop, but in the end you can see that it was good for you and you are really glad you kept at it and followed through to the end.